The company had 4,400 permanent employees in 2007, and the number of employees rose to around 66,500 by 2018. At the company u. a. Yahoo and Softbank involved. Sales on Alibaba Group's Chinese retail platforms totaled over 4.8 trillion yuan ($677 billion) in 2017.
In the Forbes Global 2000 of the world's largest companies, the Alibaba Group ranks 59th (as of 2019). Alibaba had a market value of approximately USD 500 billion in mid-2018, making it one of the world's financially strongest companies.
According to Alibaba's latest financial reports the company has a price-to-book ratio of 1.69925. The price-to-book ratio is a way to measure how much the stock market thinks a company is worth compared to how much the company says its assets are worth on paper.