Largest Companies by Marketcap

Companies: 10,209 total market cap: £90.135 T suggest/edit icon suggest/edit icon download icondownload icon
Rank by Market Cap Earnings Revenue Employees P/E ratio Dividend % Market Cap gain Market Cap loss Operating Margin Cost to borrow Total assets Net assets Total liabilities Total debt Cash on hand Price to Book More +
Market CapPriceTodayPrice (30 days)Country
favorite icon9601
£21.53 M£3.330.00%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9602
£21.49 M£3.0612.72%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9603
£21.38 M£2.360.67%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9604
£21.38 M£1.265.88%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9605
£21.32 M£1.754.21%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9606
£21.31 M£1.852.62%🇸🇬 Singapore
favorite icon9607
£21.28 M£1.210.00%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon9608
£21.18 M£0.790.70%🇩🇰 Denmark
favorite icon9609
£21.13 M£2.3111.79%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9610
£21.01 M£0.400.00%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon9611
£20.98 M£0.251.99%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon9612
£20.97 M£1.931.75%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9613
£20.94 M£0.930.88%🇵🇹 Portugal
favorite icon9614
£20.91 M£0.536.85%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9615
£20.9 M£0.592.47%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9616
£20.86 M£2.080.81%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9617
£20.69 M£0.140.00%🇦🇪 UAE
favorite icon9618
£20.68 M£0.019190.00%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9619
£20.58 M£3.197.26%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9620
£20.58 M£0.190.33%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9621
£20.53 M£3.301.61%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9622
£20.48 M£0.207.30%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9623
£20.47 M£0.380.00%🇦🇪 UAE
favorite icon9624
£20.42 M£5.160.16%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon9625
£20.34 M£0.010600.96%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9626
£20.33 M£1.532.01%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9627
£20.32 M£0.660.00%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9628
£20.25 M£0.643.68%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9629
£20.17 M£0.662.05%🇵🇱 Poland
favorite icon9630
£20.15 M£0.887.69%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9631
£20.01 M£0.013296.97%🇸🇪 Sweden
favorite icon9632
£19.91 M£0.071234.17%🇳🇴 Norway
favorite icon9633
£19.9 M£0.510.34%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9634
£19.87 M£2.080.00%🇦🇹 Austria
favorite icon9635
£19.74 M£2.080.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9636
£19.69 M£0.020043.77%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9637
£19.62 M£1.060.75%🇮🇱 Israel
favorite icon9638
£19.25 M£0.303.80%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9639
£19.15 M£0.20284.62%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9640
£19.15 M£0.551.91%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9641
£19.08 M£0.058925.00%🇨🇦 Canada
favorite icon9642
£19.07 M£3.571.79%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9643
£19.05 M£5.229.54%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9644
£19.01 M£4.780.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9645
£19 M£0.705.09%🇱🇺 Luxembourg
favorite icon9646
£18.78 M£3.270.00%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon9647
£18.78 M£2.151.11%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9648
£18.65 M£2.110.37%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9649
£18.65 M£13.801.22%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9650
£18.64 M£0.400.00%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9651
£18.46 M£1.186.16%🇯🇵 Japan
favorite icon9652
£18.45 M£1.412.29%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9653
£18.43 M£0.580.01%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9654
£18.35 M£3.003.24%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9655
£18.27 M£0.055014.35%🇦🇪 UAE
favorite icon9656
£18.15 M£0.413.98%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9657
£18.14 M£0.501.11%🇨🇦 Canada
favorite icon9658
£17.99 M£3.272.42%🇵🇱 Poland
favorite icon9659
£17.8 M£0.732.27%🇸🇬 Singapore
favorite icon9660
£17.74 M£0.430.07%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9661
£17.71 M£0.160.00%🇬🇧 UK
favorite icon9662
£17.57 M£0.2710.80%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9663
£17.51 M£0.900.88%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9664
£17.48 M£1.410.56%🇬🇷 Greece
favorite icon9665
£17.34 M£0.235.80%🇵🇱 Poland
favorite icon9666
£17.28 M£1.263.03%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9667
£17.15 M£0.333.41%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9668
£17.08 M£0.431.61%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9669
£16.93 M£0.096500.00%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9670
£16.86 M£12.770.65%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9671
£16.83 M£1.343.66%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9672
£16.77 M£4.972.60%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9673
£16.73 M£0.042551.99%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9674
£16.59 M£207.400.00%🇰🇼 Kuwait
favorite icon9675
£16.53 M£183.580.42%🇰🇼 Kuwait
favorite icon9676
£16.51 M£1.621.64%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9677
£16.42 M£1.650.48%🇨🇭 Switzerland
favorite icon9678
£16.41 M£0.972.48%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9679
£16.4 M£0.012814.17%🇦🇺 Australia
favorite icon9680
£16.17 M£1.160.00%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9681
£16.13 M£1.111.44%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9682
£16.13 M£0.2510.34%🇮🇳 India
favorite icon9683
£16.02 M£0.130.00%🇦🇺 Australia
favorite icon9684
£16 M£0.880.47%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon9685
£15.97 M£1.900.84%🇯🇵 Japan
favorite icon9686
£15.79 M£83.981.55%🇰🇼 Kuwait
favorite icon9687
£15.79 M£0.120.00%🇨🇦 Canada
favorite icon9688
£15.74 M£1.362.81%🇭🇰 Hong Kong
favorite icon9689
£15.66 M£1.852.02%🇯🇵 Japan
favorite icon9690
£15.59 M£3.810.68%🇯🇵 Japan
favorite icon9691
£15.55 M£0.593.10%🇸🇪 Sweden
favorite icon9692
£15.52 M£0.329.66%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9693
£15.47 M£0.3114.25%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9694
£15.45 M£2.202.32%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9695
£15.44 M£3.911.67%🇫🇷 France
favorite icon9696
£15.38 M£0.8610.57%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9697
£15.34 M£5.570.74%🇩🇪 Germany
favorite icon9698
£15.33 M£0.425.57%🇨🇳 China
favorite icon9699
£15.33 M£1.071.45%🇺🇸 USA
favorite icon9700
£15.04 M£0.095392.86%🇺🇸 USA

This is the list of the world's biggest companies by market capitalization. It ranks the most valuable public companies. Private companies are not included in our lists as it is difficult to calculate their market value and know their financials.